Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Wordless Wednesday : Teletubbies

( Po, Laa-Laa, Dipsy, Tinky Winky )

Cerita favourite zaman kanak-kanak dulu !

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Reason saya jadi blogger !

  • Kebosanan yang meribut taufan pada cuti ni.
  • Suka stalking ! Err, i mean blogwalking..
  • Nasi goreng yang terlebih garam ?
  • Hati dah ter feel balik nak berblogging nak buat macam mana.
  • Dipaksa oleh alien - alien yang akan culik saya ke Parahell untuk menjadikan saya meatball. ( Kes banyak sangat tengok kartun )
  • Takdir

# An alien-friend of mine once told me about the existence of a place called Parahell which combine Paradise and Hell which he prefer to live in because he said earth citizens are S**P**.. Wow ! He sure is not human. Epic much !

Monday, 26 December 2011

The Awkward Moment

Awkward this, awkward that. Everyone had their awkward moment right ! And so am i.

1) The awkward moment is when you receive a message from someone that you don't save his or her number and when you ask em " sorry, ni siapa ye ?". They reply

Ini Mak Ngah kau la. Oh, nombor pak we save ye, mak ngah tak plak.

Ermmm... okay ! True Story.

2) The awkward moment is when you are so damn excited to talk on the phone with someone and when you call, you end up not knowing what to say to em.
Example :-

You : Hello Shin Chan ! What's up ? Lame tak dgr cerita !

Shin Chan : Hi ! Tak ada ape pun. Macam biasa je.

You : Oh ye ke..

Shin Chan : Ha a. Tu je..

You : Oooooooh...

Krukk Krukk
(5 minit kemudian)

You : (Sambil buka air paip di singki)
          Huh ?..... Apee ? .... So.... Ry.. Tak dengar la.. 
          Lain tak clear, lain kali kite borak ye...Bye

Shin Chan : Tapiiiiiii...........

        Tut Tut Tut

Friday, 23 December 2011

Speechless !

Ya Allah !
Thank you very much for all the circumstance. The joy, happiness and all the ups and down that had happen. For what had happen there's always like seriously ALWAYS a reason in it.

22 December 2011

That day, that very memorable day i wake up with a thousands question. My heart beats louder, faster than the thunder in the rain. I was worried if things goes wrong. My head kept spinning. and i was like ' what if i didn't succeed ' , ' what if i can't make my parents proud ' , ' what if i'll ruin everything.' I don't know why but there's so many what if in my mind.

As time went on after a time. The moment i had waiting for had come.
Its... the end of the world ! Nahh,, i'm just kiddin. Its not dooms day. Lol ! but it sure is a very menakutkan day ! Its the day when i know either  i'm one step a head to the future or vice versa. And the reslut that i get is...... drum rolling please !
ddum dum drrruup !

Alhamdulliah i got a very satisfying result. Yay me !

All the pain and effort sure is worth it. But this is not the end. For the sake of myself and my future i have to keep moving forward. No matter how great we are now that doesn't mean we have to stop and goyang2 kaki right. Like my ustaz said
" Straight A tu bukan matlamat kita, matlamat utama ialah belajar serta amal ". Thank You Ustaz !

To all the 96's who get great result, Congratulation ! and to those who are not so happy with your result, it's ok ! Like i said it's not dooms day right ? So grab your gear and get ready for a better future and don't forget to put more effort to whatever you're doin.

My mom always said to me " every cloud has a silver lining " 

p/s : The word WHAT IF always bring negative thought to me. That's just sucks man !

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Intro : Me


Selamat Datang dunia berblogging ! Tak sangka pula nuha akan berblogging kembali. kikiki... Dulu nuha ada jugak berblogging tapi dulu jiwa muda nak berblogging pun tak ada feel. Ceh, blogging pun perlu ada feel ke ?

Buat pengetahuan pembaca - pembaca, rakan taulan dan makhluk - makhkuk sekalian dalam blog ni nuha akan guna ''tribahasa". Bahasa Melayu, English dan Melish ! Make sense tak ? So harap kau orang semua boleh faham ye. Sebarang kesalahan, kesilapan, ketidakbetulan, ketidakselesaan mahupun perlanggaran undang - undang yang ada dalam entry ni atau entry-to-be yang Nuha ada ter, ter dan ter ape - ape kan kau orang awal - awal Nuha minta maaf ye.

Ok pembaca, do enjoy blogwalking to my blog !
( Err.. ade ke pembaca ? )